MeetHyde provides a simple-to-use web interface to manage content in Jekyll-powered GitHub Pages. No Jekyll installation or console manipulation is needed. Use Hyde to create and edit posts and pages, manage the images in your repository and use the markdown editor to easily insert them in your pages or posts.
Because Static Websites are the past and future of web development, chances are you don’t need a CMS for your next web project (neither for the existing one).
Jekyll is one of the most well known static site generators, in fact GitHub Pages are powered by Jekyll, and you can even publish websites for free on GitHub, how amazing is that?
But wait!! It’s just for Developers and to blog like a Hacker, right?
Well… No… MeetHyde takes advantage of both Jekyll and GitHub providing you with a visual and easy to use web interface to manage the content of websites hosted on GitHub.
Stop dealing with the console
One of the biggest barriers to the Jekyll + GitHub adoption is that you have to mess with the console, something most users are not comfortable with.
Let MeetHyde handle the messy parts so you can focus on what really matters: The content.
Create something amazing, edit it, go back and change it again because we developers are never happy. Everything is synced automatically with your GitHub repo.
Edit content beautifully
Use the built in Markdown editor to create and edit your posts/pages and preview the results side by side.
The Front Matter is separated from the content, and you can visually browse for images hosted on your site to insert them.